I delivered Little Jen in the morning via C-Section. In the evening by about 5pm, the nurse brought Little Jen to me. I was still in pain and was still feeling very blur as the anesthetic had yet to wear off its effect. I had to ask the nurse to teach me how to nurse Little Jen in a lying down position. The nurse put Little Jen's head on my arms and then helped me to position him closer so that he could nurse.
It was really amazing that Little Jen knew that he had to suck hours after being borned into this world.
I was quite sure he was not getting anything at that time. Later at night, the nurse brought him to me again. And, again, I let him sucked. This time, I pulled myself to a sitting position and nursed him. Hubby said that whenever I saw Little Jen, I would seemed to have all my energy back! I was as curious as Hubby, we were wondering if Little Jen managed to drink anything. After a short while we were able to see some liquid from the corners of Little Jen's tiny lips. Yes, we did it!
The next day was quite okay as well. However, at night, Little Jen suddenly became very cranky and cried really loud. I tried to make him nurse but I guessed he must had been really hungry. The nurses brought him straight to me when they thought Little Jen wanted milk BUT I DID NOT HAVE ANY MILK! It was just heart-breaking but Hubby had to send Little Jen to the nursery for formula milk. They had earlier given him formula which was why he was expecting real milk.
On the first 3-4 days, there was only colostrum - the golden liquid. On the 3rd day, I started to feel my breast swelling up and became really hard, but still there was only colostrum. By then, Little Jen was still drinking formula milk. I pumped right after I reached home on the 3rd day and fed him with whatever I managed to collect. Only about 1 oz was all I got after pumping both sides for at least half an hour.
By 4-5 days after delivery, the colostrum started to turn milky yellow. The milk finally came in on the 5th or 6th day. Little Jen was drinking about 50% of breast milk and 50% of formula by then.
I was finally able to let him have 100% breast milk after about a week. I pumped every 3 hours during day time and at night, I set alarm to wake up every 3 hours but eventually, I was too tired and switched off the alarm unconsciously. I ended up waking up whenever I felt painful which was about 5 hours after the last pumping session. This went on and on for the first 1.5 months.. boy, it was really tiring :)
Awesome site ... cute layout
Thx alot.. Just sharing :)