Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I have no internet since yesterday evening and it is really stressing me up as I need to have internet for my work and also of course, leisure.

Hopefully, the biggest internet provider in Malaysia will do something soon and make it permanently good cause I have had many report numbers up-to-date and still, nothing has improved and the problem has only got worse.

Sulk.. sulk..

Monday, November 29, 2010

Malaysia Baby, Children & Parents Expo 2010

28th Nov 2010 (Sunday)

"Pui, I dreamt that our Little Jen won 6th prize in the Photogenic Baby Contest..." Hubby told me in the morning when he woke up. By about mid-day, Hubby was restless and asked if I would like to go anywhere today. We then went to Jusco for shopping with Little Jen.

Then, by about 4pm, we were home and I was feeling very impatient already. "Hubby, no one called you?", I asked Hubby. The lady at the booth mentioned that they would call if we were selected as the Top 10 winners for the Photogenic Baby Contest.

I then kept thinking aloud to Hubby.. Is the newspaper too crumpled that they could not see our details clearly and that is why they cannot contact us?.. Or did Hubby state his handphone number wrongly in the form?.. Or are we in the Top 3 and it is such a difficult decision that they are still deciding and thus, cannot call us yet?.. Or did they forget to submit Little Jen's picture for the contest?.. I ended up dozing off in bed.

Hubby woke me up at about 5pm and pestered me to go for a jog with him. So, there we went to Bukit Jalil for a jog with Little Jen in his stroller.

It was already 6.30pm when Hubby suddenly received a call from a stranger to tell that Little Jen made it to the Top 10! So, we flew from Bukit Jalil to Mid Valley, to make it for registration at 6.45pm.

They finally started the prize-giving ceremony by about 7.30pm. The Emcee gave away all the 7 consolation prizes and Little Jen was the 3rd prize winner!

After all that, I am still wondering if Little Jen actually knows that he had won a prize. Our Little Jen won a ground arrangement in Shanghai/Gui Lin China for Hubby and I.

How sweet!

Malaysia Baby, Children & Parents Expo 2010

27th Nov 2010 (Saturday)

Hubby and I rushed to the Malaysia Baby, Children & Parents Expo 2010 by about 10.30am armed with our cut-out forms from The China Press and also Sin Chew Daily. Hubby filled in the forms and dropped one of them in the Lucky Draw box while I queued up to collect the free Appeton goody bag.

By then, many families were already queueing up as well for their 2000 goody bags. Hubby and I then took a walk at the exhibition area on the right side of the hall. Halfway, Hubby gave up pushing the stroller and offered to just stand at one corner and toyed with his new gadget, the DSLR camera. There were just so many pregnant mummies around and Hubby did not want to risk bumping into any one of them with the stroller.

Little Jen  and I both continued to scan every booth. Disappointingly, I could not manage to find any pretty baby slings and nothing appealed to me as I had almost everything for Little Jen already.

I then went on to the other side of the hall and again, to no avail. I could not find any pretty baby slings! Frustrated, I walked out of the exhibition area to look for Hubby when I saw a group of people with numbers and the Photogenic Baby's Forms in the hands. I handed my form and got number 570. The current waiting number was 525 and I was asked to wait for an hour and half for our turn.

Hubby and I went for lunch with Little Jen and quickly went back to the hall. Too bad, we were asked to wait for another half an hour and then another hour and half...zzzz...and guess what Hubby ended up doing?

He was at the stage area in the exhibition hall next door, adjusting his camera while waiting for Miss Babelicious to cat walk down the stage! Guess he was too bored with Mr. Family Man already :)

Finally by about 4.30pm, it was our turn for the photo shoot BUT we had to wait for about another hour and half for the selection of pictures. And, to print out 3 pieces of 4Rs costed us RM50!

I just had to bring back some pictures since Little Jen smiled so sweetly at the camera :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Mummy Losing Teeth

Yesterday night I dreamt that I lost 3 of my teeth and one of them is my previous front top tooth. I was so sad and embarrased and was kept thinking about what caused the teeth to fall out so easily. I realised that it might be due to my over-abundant milk supply that caused me to lose too much calcium and thus, causing my teeth to fall out one by one.

Since, there was nothing that I could do, I was already thinking about getting dentures. No regrets though since it was my choice to feed my son and give him my best. For him, losing teeth also would not be too much of a problem.

Mummy will feed you exclusively for another 2 months at least :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Breastfeeding Baby When Having a Fever

On Nov 1st (Fever - Can I breastfeed?), I had fever and I went against the Doctor's advice to not breastfeed my little boy. I was not sure if I can continue to breastfeed but it is definitely worth taking a bet.

Good to announce that up-to-date, he has never been sick and is as healthy as a roaring tiger. Well, yes, he is making noises like a roaring tiger almost about the same time daily - mid-morning and after dinner-time.

So, I guess that the suggestions I got online are true - Breastfeed your baby even when you are down with a fever. That way, he will get your antibody and then be resistant to the germs. Just make sure that the Doctor gives you medicine which are safe for your baby since you will be breastfeeding.

The good thing about breastfeeding during a high fever on my side was that I could sleep while he fed. If I do not feed, I will have to pump instead, which will be a lot more cumbersome. This was very important as I needed my rest and I was just too dizzy to sterilise my pump, sit to do the pumping, wash the pump and store the milk.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cabbage - Can a breastfeeding Mummy take that?

Oh, goodness, I have been taking fried noodles with cabbage for lunch yesterday and cabbage soup the night before. I thought that was the end of the cabbage (*laugh*) but this afternoon, I had cabbage soup for lunch again.

I had to tell my mother-in-law that I could not take anymore cabbage as it may cause problems to our little boy. Cabbage is said to cause gassiness or flatulence in babies through breastmilk. She asked me if it might be due to the fact that cabbage is a 'cooling' food. Well, I really had no idea.

Found the below from femail.com.au:

There is technically no foods that breastfeeding woman must avoid. However some foods can cause mild reaction such as spicy foods, cabbage, chocolate and foods high in C concentrate. It will depend on your own body and the sensitivity of your baby.

Foods such as cabbage, garlic, chilli & curry may cause your baby to experience discomfort with wind. Although there is no research to support this, centuries of mothers will agree that keep these foods to a minimum if you want a good nights sleep. Some strongly flavoured foods may change the taste of your milk, although babies enjoy a variety of breast milk flavours, if you baby suddenly becomes fussy at the breast after you eat particular foods (for example garlic) you be best to avoid or tone down that food while breastfeeding. However you baby's tolerance may improve as he/she gets older so you may be able to re-introduce that food.

It really depends on individuals as everyone's tolerance level is different. Nonetheless, I had been limiting my intake of cabbage, just to avoid from having my son to wake up howling at night due to the pain in his llittle tummy.  (*wink*).

Oh ya... so far, my son has not shown any signs of food allergies through breastmilk.. good for him.

Baby Human For Sale - RM10k/kg, Boy, Nego

Just this morning, my mother-in-law told me that we could have sold our little boy at RM10,000 per kg, which meant that he could be worth about RM80,000 now! Wow, that is a huge sum of money...

I looked at my son and told him, "Mummy wants to sell you so that Mummy can earn RM80,000, okay?" He innocently stared at me with his adorable little eyes and smiled. He just could not understand what Mummy was trying to tell him but whenever I spoke to him, he would just give a toothless smile.

How can anyone be so cruel to sell away their own flesh and blood?

Another news in Singapore where a a baby conceived through in vitro fertilisation (IVF) at a private hospital in Singapore has different DNA to the supposed father, a lawyer representing the clients said Wednesday.

The couple made the shocking discovery after they were told that the baby's blood type was B while they were groups O and A, a scientific impossibility if they were the two biological parents.

"They discovered it a few days after the birth of the baby. They were informed by the paediatrician that the baby's blood group is B," he said. "So they were a bit surprised because the mother is O and the father is A. Biologically it's not possible when you have such a combination."

The couple, a Chinese Singaporean woman and a Caucasian man whose identities the lawyer kept confidential, also started to notice the baby has a distinctly different complexion.

A DNA test carried out last month in a Hong Kong laboratory at the couple's request showed the baby, who was born on October 1 in an emergency caesarean, had the mother's DNA but not the official father's, Palaniappan said. The couple are waiting for the results of another DNA test in Singapore by the Health Sciences Authority, a statutory board under the Ministry of Health (MOH).

Based the latest heard on radio this morning, the couple may not want to keep the baby. 10 months in the womb meant nothing to them?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Losing weight fast and still losing...

Right after delivery of my son, I was too tired to be bothered about my weight, but  I did care about how my tummy looked. It was still bulging and sort of loose.

1 month later...

I finally got hold of a weighing scale to check on my weight - 56kg. I lost a whooping 14kg in the first month! Well.. my son was 3.65kg at birth and so, that meant I lost about 10kg myself. I never expected myself to lose so much within 30 days but I must thank my dear little son for that.

He was a big drinker since Day 0 as he could already gulp down 2-3oz at one go. The nurse in the nursery was teasing him as 'Gemuk' and they warned me that he had a big appetite as he was rather huge for a newborn. I had to pump up my efforts in order to meet his appetite, in within 2 weeks, I was already 100% feeding him with expressed breast milk (EBM).

2 months later...

This time, I stood on the scale hoping that I would have returned to my actual weight before pregnancy. Unfortunately, I was a 54-kg. About 2kg more to go, which seemed like a lifetime to lose. By this time, my son was already consistently taking about 3oz at every feedings.

Now, 3 1/2 months later...

Just few weeks ago, the scale was still showing 54kg and just few days ago, my weight reduced further to only 51kg! I am very close to my target - 50kg!

By this time, my son is already taking about 4-4.5oz at each feeding and he feeds every 2-3 hours, still exclusively feeding on breastmilk.

Being Heaviest During Pregnancy!

Throughout my life, I have never been called fat, as in really fat...fat... but the thought of a friend who told me something years ago reminded me further on the downside of being an obese person.

She told me, "...unless you have been fat and teased by friends badly before, you will never know how bad it really feels to be overweight." And, during that time, she was having asthma and due to the medication, she had no control over her weight. Poor her.. no wonder taking care of her own diet is her utmost priority.

I have always been a big eater, I eat what I like and when I want to. Guess the reason why I do not put on much weight is due to the fact that I have a better metabolism than the rest of the people at my age. During pregnancy, matters got worse, I felt hungry almost immediately after meals i.e. lunch or dinner and I had to eat or else, I would suffer from gastric. So, as to not trigger my gastric juices and starve my son, I ate and ate. I put on weight from 50kg to 70kg by the end of 10 months. That was a huge 20kg!

I prayed so hard that I would not be left with this extra weight after pregnancy as I was already feeling lethargic and fat due to the extra kilos. Not willing to feel that way for the next few years...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Garcinia Cambogia and Cambogia Extract

Garcinia Cambogia and Cambogia Extract

Garcinia Cambogia and Cambogia Extract
Garcinia cambogia, also known as malabar tamarind and brindle berry, is a relatively small purple fruit that contains a chemical compound called Hydroxycitric acid (HCA). HCA is much like a derivative of the same citric acid that can be found in many other citric fruits whose chemical make up is only slightly different. Studies indicate that HCA may assist in weight loss because of its ability to regulate metabolism.

Specifically, hydroxycitric acid is a competitive inhibitor of adenosine triphosphate-citrate. In the cytosol, ATP citrate lyase catalyzes the conversion of citrate and coenzyme A to oxaloacetate and acetyl coenzyme A (commonly referred to as acetyl CoA). Acetyl CoA is required for the synthesis of fatty acids, cholesterol and triglycerides.

Oxaloacetate may enter the gluconeogenic pathway, which can lead to the production of glucose and glycogen. Many researchers and experts assert that the putative antiobesity effect of hydroxycitric acid is due to suppression of fatty acid and fat synthesis. Additionally, hydroxycitric acid is believed to suppress food intake via an anorectic effect, which also supports the belief that HCA may assist in weight loss.

Studies suggest that garcinia cambogia may assist in weight loss for the following reasons:
  • HCA appears to block the conversion of sugars and starches into fats, that this, HCA is believed to help inhibit fat production.
  • HCA may suppress appetite by raising levels of certain brain chemicals such as serotonin, a key stimulator of appetite.
However, there is no concrete evidence that supports the conclusion that garcinia cambogia can in fact cause weight loss. However, in a study of 60 overweight participants who took the supplement for 2 months, HCA appeared to help participants lose weight when compared with other study participants who were given a placebo.

Supporting LiteratureConte AA. A non-prescription alternative in weight reduction therapy. 1993; Summer:17-19.
Greenwood MR, Cleary MP, Gruen R. Effect of (-)-hydroxycitrate on development of obesity in the Zucker obese rat. Am J Physiol. 1981; 240:E72-E78.
Kriketos AD, Greene H, Thompson HR, Hill JO. (-)-Hydroxycitric acid does not affect energy expenditure and substrate oxidation in adult males in a post-absorptive state. 1999; 23:867-873.
Lowenstein JM. Effect of (-)-hydroxycitrate on fatty acid synthesis by rat liver in vivo. J Biol Chem 1971;246:629-632.
Triscari J, Sullivan AC. Comparative effects of (-)-hydroxycitrate and (-)-allo-hydroxycitrate on acetyl CoA carboxylase and fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis in vivo. Lipids 1977;12:357-363.

- Extracted from Nutrasanus website -

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fiber - Preventing Certain Diseases

Do you know that getting enough fiber in the diet can lower the risk of developing certain conditions? Read on...
  • Heart disease. Evidence is now growing to support the notion that foods containing soluble fiber (such as oats, rye barley, and beans) can have a positive influence on cholesterol, triglycerides, and other particles in the blood that affect the development of heart disease. Some fruits and vegetables (such as citrus fruits and carrots) have been shown to have the same effect.

  • Cancer. The passage of food through the body is speeded up when fiber is eaten. Some experts believe this may prevent harmful substances found in some foods from affecting the colon and may protect against colon cancer. (However, a recent study conducted by Harvard University concluded that eating high-fiber food did not appear to protect people from colon cancer.) Other types of cancer that are linked with overnutrition and may be prevented by a fiber-rich diet include breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and uterine cancer.

  • Diabetes. Adding fiber to the diet helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is important in avoiding diabetes. In addition, some people with diabetes can achieve a significant reduction in their blood sugar levels and may find they can reduce their medication.

  • Diverticular disease. Diverticular disease is a condition in which small pouches, called diverticula, develop in the wall of the colon. In a small percentage of people, these diverticula become inflamed or infected, a condition known as diverticulitis. Diverticular disease can cause pain, diarrhea, constipation, and other problems.

  • Gallstones and kidney stones. Rapid digestion leads to a rapid release of glucose (sugar) into the bloodstream. To cope with this, the body has to release large amounts of insulin into the bloodstream, and this can make a person more likely to develop gallstones and kidney stones (in addition to diabetes and high cholesterol).
- http://www.ehealthmd.com -

To increase your daily fiber intake, you may want to try i famosa Venus Fiber White Coffee.

For price and packaging information, please refer to my Catalogue.
For more information on the product, please refer to Product Information.

Hot Soup for 4 Months Old

I was breast-feeding my son when I realised that he was sweating a lot and my hubby was saying that he looked red like a crab after feedings. Then I realised that it may be due to my high fever, I was feeding him with my eyes shut (too dizzy to peel my eye lids apart). Drinking milk at 39-degree Celcius was similar to drinking hot soup to my poor little son.

Well, little boy, bear with mummy cause this is for your own good *kiss kiss*.

Fever - Can I breastfeed?

It all started with a sorethroat 2 days ago and I though that it was because my body was too heaty. Took Gui Lingao and some herbal cooling tea but the sorethroat was still there till last evening when I started to feel a little nauseous and had a throbbing headache.

No wonder all the good food seemed to taste yucky, I was developing a fever!

Doctor confirmed that I had a high fever, similar to my hubby's. I thought that I would not be infected so easily and so, I drank water from the same tumbler he was using when he had fever and kissed him as usual at night before bed and in the morning when I woke up (a promise made to each other - at least a kiss in the morning before work and night before bed no matter what *smile*).

Doctor said that it was best to continue breastfeeding and he prescribed medicine which were safe for breastfeeding mothers. However, he was also afraid that it might cause the germs to be passed on to my son.

So, the decision was mine.

While I was expecting my son, I had already started my research on breastfeeding. Many advised to continue feeding despite having minor illness - fever, flu, cough, etc.. Here are some:

The best thing you can do for your baby when you're sick is to continue to breastfeed. When you have a contagious illness such as a cold, flu, or other mild virus, your baby was exposed to the illness before you even knew you were sick. Your milk will not transmit your illness to baby, but it does have antibodies in it that are specific to your illness (plus anything else you or baby have been exposed to) - they'll help prevent baby from getting sick, or if he does get sick, he'll probably not be as sick as you.

Withholding your breastmilk during an illness increases the possibility that baby will get sick, and deprives baby of the comfort and superior nutrition of nursing.

- www.kellymom.com -

Continuing to breastfeed will help protect your baby from the infection, because your body produces antibodies to the specific bug that is causing the infection, and you pass them on to the baby in your milk. Often, a breastfed baby will be the only member of the family who doesn't get sick. If he does get sick, he will usually have a much milder case than the older members of the family.

- http://www.familyresource.com/ -

Today, I am feeling better already and I have been feeding my son, so, let's see if he does get sick..which I hope not, of course.

Why Breastfeeding?

Woke up one day to find that my hubby was still in bed when he should already be at work. Good that I did not start shouting at him before checking on him. He was having a high fever and his face was all red. The night before he was complaining of sorethroat. Doctor said that it may be due to the infection in his throat that was causing him the high temperature.

Also, in the past few nights, our little boy had waking up to cry in the middle of the night causing us both to have poor sleep. So, I guessed that it was partly the fault of our innocent little boy.

My mother-in-law did tell me that he had never breastfed any of her children and that included my hubby. So, it was no surprise that my hubby fell sick more than I did in the years that we were together.

So as to not let history repeat itself, I am breastfeeding my son and he will get the best from me till at least he is 6 mths old. My son is not 1 week to being 4 mths old. I am sure I can do it *smile*.