Little Jen's Health Bits

  1. 02 Aug 2011 - Saw something gooey flowing out from Little Jen's nose. He was having running nose and had fun trying to suck the gooey thing in. Goodness me.. He recovered without any medication 2 days later.
  2. 04 Aug 2011 - Little Jen was so happy that he kept shouting as loud as he could. He choked on his own saliva and vomited all the milk given in the evening. Daddy was grumbling as he cleaned up the mess.
  3. 22 Aug 2011 - 3 times vomiting when Mummy was away for Yoga got Daddy frightened, wondering what happened. It seemed like Little Jen had a sorethroat or mild cough as he would just cough suddenly and within seconds, he would throw up. Hmm, some throat drips and cough syrup should do the trick. Today 23 Aug 2011, have not heard him coughing at all.
  4. 29 Aug 2011 - Little Jen started to cough again. On and off for the whole day and he would throw up when he coughed too hard at times. Until today, which is already more than a week, he is still coughing. Giving him cough syrup and Bo Ying Compound from Eu Yan Sang but still he is coughing. Hmm..