Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Little Jen's First Birthday Cake

This came a little late but better late than never. I have been searching for birthday cake to celebrate Little Jen's birthday since almost a month away from his big day. Tried looking online and then searching for nice-looking yummy cakes in stores nearby but hmm.. after going all over the place, I decided on the good ol' Secret Recipe.

It was not only Little Jen who would be celebrating his birthday. His Daddy too. His Daddy likes the Expresso Cheese Cake and that cake was a memorable one for us. I bought him that cake the first time we celebrated his birthday as a couple and we took almost a week to finish pinching on every crumbs left. Only two of us.. Yummy.

This time, we could not take coffee since Little Jen should not be taking caffeine-laced food. Hubby likes cheese cakes and Little Jen likes chocolate (yes, it choc contains caffeine too but I guess this is exceptional.. haha..) and for a healthy touch, we may have some kind of fruit on the cake.

Just nice, there was a new Secret flavour - Choc Cheese Berries! Oh, written on the cake -  Dearest Hubby and Lil Disaster a.k.a. Little Jen (*smile*).

That was the final choice and oh, I added a Little Dinosour on the cake cause Hubby liked to nickname himself as Yoshimi (Yoshi stands for a cute Dino) and there was also a Little Baby to represent Little Jen.

Happy Hubby, Buzzy Mummy and Little Jen for a Happy Family Picture!

And then.. now you see..

Now you don't.. Almost.. Buzzy Mummy got to blow the 1-Year Old candle for Little Jen since he had not idea what to do with it.

And.. a happy beginning to a new year for Little Jen and Hubby.. (*wink*).


  1. nice cake :)
    May I know where you buy the little characters (Dino & baby)? Are they icing?

  2. Hi, bought both the little cuties from Secret Recipe near UCSI, Cheras. Yes, they are made of sugar. Son bit off the baby's head as soon as he held it :p
