Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Breastfeeding Problems in the First 2 Months

After reading my post Breastfeeding after C-Section, you may think that it is all about hard work? No, not at all. It takes a lot of determination and will-power as well. I really salute all the Mummies out there, no matter how long you were able to breastfeed your baby. It was really not easy.

For me, it was certainly a painful experience. The first few days, when there was only colostrum, it made sense to me that I would not have much to fill up my Little Jen's tiny tummy. However, to my Mother, it was a sign showing that Little Jen would never ever be satisfied with only my breast milk. She was repeating over and over again that Formula was still the easiest and the best. After doing so much reading on breastfeeding, I was not going to give up that easily.

Every time Little Jen wanted to feed, even during middle of the night, I would wake up and made him latch on first and then let my Mother feed him with Formula while I continued pumping. It was really a painful experience to watch him gulp down the Formula milk.

But, it was also physically painful every time he sucked. The reason was because during the first few times, he was really impatient with the slow milk let-down. So, after sucking for just a short while, he would start to howl and I wrestled to put him back at the breast and then, he would bite!

I almost gave up as I was already in pain with a cracked nipple after a few wrestling sessions. But then, not feeding and pumping at all, it would also be really painful due to engorgement.

So, finally, I resorted to pumping exclusively. I started using the electronic pump but it was also painful. BGy lowering the suction power, the milk was not flowing, so I had to pump with maximum suction power. The consistent pumping made me felt really sore as well. So, then, I tried manual pumping. It felt a little better as I could adjust the suction power and frequency manually.

So, I pumped exclusively for the first 1.5 months.

After some time, I was suddenly feeling like a cow. I was the one pumping but someone else would be giving him the milk. That felt really wrong. What made it worse was that a Lactation Consultant told me that by exclusively pumping, the milk supply would almost dry up for sure over a shorter period as compared to direct latch on.

I started to try latching on Little Jen again and this time, he cooperated well. That was probably because by then, let-down was much faster and there was s subtantial amount of milk every time he sucked.

It felt good to be able to nurse Little Jen directly and my Mother is now proud of me as well, I guess.. :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Baby in coma after being hurled on to bed


A nine-month-old baby is in a coma due to brain haemorrhaging after being hurled on to the bed by the father for crying incessantly at their home in Jasin, Malacca, last Sunday.

Berita Harian reported that the matter was being investigated by the police.

It quoted Malacca Crime Investigation Department chief Asst Comm Raja Shahrom Raja Abdullah as saying that the victim became unconscious after the incident and the police were looking for the father, who is in his 30s, for questioning.

The baby was rushed to Malacca Hospital by the father after the toddler became unconscious and a swell developed on the head.

Doctors suspected that the baby had been abused and lodged a report at the hospital’s police beat.
The baby has been referred to Hospital Kuala Lumpur after falling into a coma due to brain haemorrhaging.

The baby’s condition is listed as critical and is now warded at the Intensive Care Unit in the hospital.

Source: The Star Online - Baby in coma after being hurled on to bed

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Breastfed boys (but not girls) are brainier: Reading, writing and maths skills better than those given bottle

By Fiona Macrae
Last updated at 8:24 AM on 20th December 2010

Advantage: Breastfed boys were better at maths, reading, writing and spelling than those who were bottle-fed - but girls were not

Advantage: Breastfed boys were better at maths, reading, writing and spelling than those who were bottle-fed - but girls were not.

Breastfeeding can make boys – but not girls – brainier, research shows.

A study of ten-year-olds found that breastfed boys were better at maths, reading, writing and spelling than those who were bottle-fed. But breast milk did not appear to have the same brain-boosting effect on girls.
While previous research has credited breastfeeding with boosting IQ, this study is the first to show that one sex benefits more than the other.
Researchers from the University of Western Australia’s Telethon Institute for Child Health Research looked at how well 1,038 boys and girls did on standard school tests given at the age of ten. The analysis took into account social class, the mother’s level of education and the amount of time spent reading to the child. As in UK schools, the girls generally did better than the boys.
But those boys who had been breastfed for at least six months achieved maths and writing scores around 9 per cent higher than those who had been bottle-fed. They also got higher marks on spelling and reading, the journal Pediatrics reports.
In some cases, the improvement was large enough to close the achievement gap between girls and boys.
Any improvement to the girls’ scores was so marginal that it was insignificant.

Breast milk is known to be rich in fatty acids key to brain cell development but the researchers are unsure why it appeared to give only boys a mental boost.

It may be that the girls’ brains are already receiving nourishment from the sex hormone oestrogen, and the healthy fats in mother’s milk help the male brain catch up. Another possibility is that breastfeeding strengthens the mother-child bond.

Healthy: Breastfeeding can also protect babies against obesity, eczema, and ear, chest and stomach infections

Healthy: The government advises breastfeeding for six months to help protect babies against obesity, eczema, and ear, chest and stomach infections

Studies show that a mother’s attention is more crucial for the mental development of boys than girls. The Department of Health tells mothers that feeding their babies on breast milk alone for the first six months will protect their baby against obesity, eczema and ear, chest and stomach infections.
New mothers are also told that avoiding formula milk will cut the odds of a child being a fussy eater in later life, as well as reduce the woman’s odds of some cancers and help with weight loss.
Some studies have made a link between breastfeeding and a raised IQ, but others have argued that this can be explained largely by better-educated women being more likely to breastfeed.
Professor Wendy Oddy from the research team said the many health benefits of breast milk make it the best option for both sexes.
Michael Kramer, a paediatrician who has advised Unicef on breastfeeding, said he believes it does boost IQ.
Dr Kramer said some claims about breastfeeding’s benefits were exaggerated, but added that the evidence relating to IQ and lung and stomach infections is so strong that it alone warrants the promotion of breast as best.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Breastfeeding after C-Section

I delivered Little Jen in the morning via C-Section. In the evening by about 5pm, the nurse brought Little Jen to me. I was still in pain and was still feeling very blur as the anesthetic had yet to wear off its effect. I had to ask the nurse to teach me how to nurse Little Jen in a lying down position. The nurse put Little Jen's head on my arms and then helped me to position him closer so that he could nurse.

It was really amazing that Little Jen knew that he had to suck hours after being borned into this world.

I was quite sure he was not getting anything at that time. Later at night, the nurse brought him to me again. And, again, I let him sucked. This time, I pulled myself to a sitting position and nursed him. Hubby said that whenever I saw Little Jen, I would seemed to have all my energy back! I was as curious as Hubby, we were wondering if Little Jen managed to drink anything. After a short while we were able to see some liquid from the corners of Little Jen's tiny lips. Yes, we did it!

The next day was quite okay as well. However, at night, Little Jen suddenly became very cranky and cried really loud. I tried to make him nurse but I guessed he must had been really hungry. The nurses brought him straight to me when they thought Little Jen wanted milk BUT I DID NOT HAVE ANY MILK! It was just heart-breaking but Hubby had to send Little Jen to the nursery for formula milk. They had earlier given him formula which was why he was expecting real milk.

On the first 3-4 days, there was only colostrum - the golden liquid. On the 3rd day, I started to feel my breast swelling up and became really hard, but still there was only colostrum. By then, Little Jen was still drinking formula milk. I pumped right after I reached home on the 3rd day and fed him with whatever I managed to collect. Only about 1 oz was all I got after pumping both sides for at least half an hour.

By 4-5 days after delivery, the colostrum started to turn milky yellow. The milk finally came in on the 5th or 6th day. Little Jen was drinking about 50% of breast milk and 50% of formula by then.

I was finally able to let him have 100% breast milk after about a week. I pumped every 3 hours during day time and at night, I set alarm to wake up every 3 hours but eventually, I was too tired and switched off the alarm unconsciously. I ended up waking up whenever I felt painful which was about 5 hours after the last pumping session. This went on and on for the first 1.5 months.. boy, it was really tiring :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Weight Target Achieved

The last I posted on my weight was about 2 months ago - Losing Weight Fast and Still Losing.

And now, I have already achieved my weight target - 50kg. That took about 2 moths to lose as my appetite has been quite big recently and mind you, I had just taken a whole packet of Cadbury earlier this evening.

But I have to admit that I still do not look fit. This must be due to the reason that I have not been exercising. As my son is reaching 6 months old, I am becoming more and more reluctant to be away from him. I just want to try my best to nurse my son as often and as much as I can before I stop breastfeeding. So, that is the main reason why I have not been exercising.

If you think losing a total 20kg after delivery if my son is good enough, my Hubby is asking me to target for 48 kg. Well, he is just joking but really, 48kg was my weight when I was in Primary 5 and when I was about 5cm shorter than I am now. Will I look healthy at that weight?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Nursing Room Occupied?

My Little Jen started crying and ops, it was time for milk. So, we quickly finished our snacks and went straight to Jusco to use the nursing room. Unfortunately, all 3 nursing rooms were occupied. Not only that, some mothers were already queueing up for their turns outside the rooms when I reached.

So, knowing that nursing would take some time, I did not want to join in the queue. I went to my Hubby and asked him my Nursing Apron or some called it Nursing Cover.

Luckily there were come comfortable sofas in the Powder Room area and I utilized the space for nursing my Little Jen with my Nursing Apron. Since Little Jen did not have to wait long, he was not too cranky and went straight to business. Soon after that, he dozed off.

Well, I did hear other babies crying outside as their Mummies were waiting to use the Nursing Rooms and there was also one that cried for as long as I nursed and till when I was leaving the Powder Room, the poor little girl was still crying. Good to have a Nursing Apron in hand :)

Click here for Custom Made Nursing Apron

26 Years Old Mummy - Too young?

When my customer heard that I had been working for only 2 years, he was already cracking his head to try to guess my age. I am 26 years old this year and I am already a Mummy to a 5+ months old baby.

Then he was saying that he is already 31 years old and his daughter is only 1 year old. So, by the time he is 50, his eldest child will be 20 years old. Being a 20 year old in 20 years' time, most probably she is still a student and has to wait for a few years before being financially independent. He got married at the age of 27 which is exactly the same age as my hubby now but he only managed to get a child after 3 years of marriage. Still, I guess, he cannot be any more thankful when he compares himself to other childless couple that is actually very common nowadays.

As for me and my Hubby, when I am 49 and he is 50, our Little Jen will already be about 23 years old. Hope that by then he will be independent enough to take the world on his own. That is our hope for our Little Jen. That will be the time when we can relax a little bit especially since we do not have to work so hard to support our child or children.

That is one of the main reason why we decided to tie the knot early. And, of course, before that I had to be sure that my Hubby is as certain as I am on our decision - that we shall be Man and Wife till death do us part. Also, looking at our aging parents, we hope that we can bring them joy and also new excitement in life by giving them the grandchild that they have been longing for years.

And yes, it is surprising how much joy it brings to both of our families.

My Mum is being more mischievous now and she will always try to wake my Little Jen up whenever he falls asleep - Come play with Ah Ma. Dad seems to be remisniscing about his role as a Daddy to Me when I was a newborn - He addressed himself as Papa to my Little Jen once. MIL is showing off her new-found talents as guitarist and football player whenever Little Jen is cranky. FIL is leading a healthier life now as he is taking Little Jen out for a walk every evening.

Me.. Buzzy Mummy.. working during the day and a full-time Mummy at night till he wakes up in the morning and the cycle repeats itself every single day. I'm loving it!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kepong, KL - Jusco Kepong Nursing Room

I have always gone to The Curve although I was in Kepong to use the Nursing Room there. However, last month when Little Jen was only 4 1/2 mths old, I found that my milk supply was dwindling. Therefore, I could not afford to delay my pumping session for another 15 minutes just because I wanted to pump in comfort. I turned into Jusco Kepong, hoping that there would be a nice Nursing Room available.

My worry was because the old Jusco complex did not seem to be as well equipped as the new ones.

I found the Nursing Room on the 2nd floor of the complex and upon reaching the Nursing Room, I was already feeling dissapointed with my decision to go to Jusco instead of The Curve. There are 2 small toilets meant for Little Kids and outside the toilet area, there are a few tables for diaper changing.

Not giving up, I went further into the room and finally, I found 4 Nursing Rooms with curtains, sofas and tables. The fact that there were 4 nursing rooms were actually much better than what I had expected. However, as usual, none of the rooms had electric sockets for my electric pump. Well, since it was already better than what I expected, I pumped willingly, taking it as part of a workout for my hands.

After pumping, I was wondering if I could make it in time back home for the next pumping session. So, I went around looking for hot water. Right outside the Nursing Rooms, there were only normal water taps for washing hands. Thinking that I could not sterilise my pump, I packed my stuff and walked out of the room when I realised, outside the small toilets, there were taps with hot and cold water!

Oh..nevermind already, I had already packed my stuff, I was too lazy to take them out again and wash and then, sterilise.. so, thank you, Jusco Kepong, I will definitely be back next time!

Mutiara Damansara, Selangor - The Curve Nursing Room

Before going out for work on my first few days after my maternity leave, I was worried that I might not be able to pump comfortably and bring milk back for my Little Jen.

I am working in the Sales line and it is not like I will always be at the same area whenever I go out for Customer Visits. So, in a way, it is nice that I have sort of a flexi-schedule but on the other hand, it is very cumbersome as I will have to always be on a look-out for Nursing Rooms.

For the first few Customer Visits, I had Customer Visits around the Sungai Buloh and Kepong area. I searched online and found out that The Curve has a Nursing Room and so, there I went during lunch break for pumping.

Interesting enough, the room was very nicely decorated with a purple coloured theme. The Nursing Room is on the 2nd floor of The Curve where most of the shops for Babies and Mummies were. So, you will find a lot of families around the area and there is also a row of sofa for waiting Daddies.

Inside, unfortunately there was no hot water faciility for sterilizing the equipments/milk-making. However, not a problem for me since I have sterilised my equipments in the morning before leaving for work.

There are 2 small cubicles with pretty curtains and small doors for privacy. One is with electric socket and the other does not have any. So, I chose the one with electric socket most of the time, when it was available, since I wanted to use my electric breast pump.

On weekends, the rooms are usually occupied and we have to wait for our turn.

Just right outside the room, there is sort of a Security booth with some cleaning staffs. It is very comforting to know that you have your safety/privacy guarded when you nurse/pump. And of course, the comfortable sofas outside that attracts Daddies to be on guard there also help a lot. Oh, there is also a button for you to press in case of Emergency in the Nursing cubicles.. Nice :)

Melaka - Mahkota Parade Nursing Room

I was least expecting Mahkota Parade to have a nursing room since it is an old complex of more than 10 years. Little Jen was starting to cry for milk already and I was telling Hubby that we had to leave already since I had to nurse him.

Upon reaching the elevator, I saw a sign showing a baby and bottle. The discovery immediately lighted me up. The room is located on the 2nd floor and near to the Thai Kuang book store. Since there was a sign that only Mummies are allowed, Hubby went away to do some window shopping. The room is equipped with a button for you to press when you want to open and close the door and inside, there are about 3 rooms for nursing. That was the first time I saw nursing rooms with actual doors.

I like the room's simplicity. The walls are painted all white and there is even a mirror in the room for I-Don't-Know-What. The lack of decoration is a plus point cause Little Jen went straight to nursing and got it done without wasting time looking around. He had become more easily distracted since last month (4 months old) by colours, change of lighting in the surroundings, sounds, etc..

Outside, there are also some toys for kids to play with. There was a Mummy with her Kids playing in the room. Little Jen was laughing at the voice of her little boy shouting in excitement. It was a delightful experience.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Little Jen's Gooey Heart Melting Smile..

Smile, Baby.. Smile..

When I was pregnant, my Mother In Law (MIL) had always advised me to smile and be more cheerful cause she wanted her grandchild to be a cheerful baby as well.

It was quite difficult to maintain a cheerful mode all the time since I had to go through morning sickness which was quite bad for the first 4 months. Having my Hubby around did not make things any better as he even asked if I had slept too much which was why I was feeling drowsy all day.

I could not stand the smell of coffee, yes.. not even the smell, not to mention gulping the brown liquid down my throat. I could not stand the taste of MSG, so I could not take outside food as they always contained plenty of it. I even hated my favourite fish slice meehoon with salted vegetable. It just tasted real bad to me.

How awful! My son made me hate all the good stuff and I had no choice but to obey his taste. I ended up not eating as much and sometimes when I vomit, I could see the yellow bile in it.

After the 4 long months,  I was hoping that things would be much better but not really. I still felt as though I was having a mild fever all day long. Feeling giddy, nausea and sensitive to strong smell..

By the 7th month, things got better. I was starting to feel more energetic but still, I was sensitive to strong smelling food and MSG. Coffee.. sipped a little once or twice in a week from my Hubby's mug. Why on earth does my son has such a healthy taste? '

Despite feeling uneasy and weak all day long, I tried my best to be happy and put on a smile.. tried to adjust and find ways to make myself comfortable and ate the food that I thought I or rather my son liked. Smiling is tiring but I had to at least when I was at work since I had to meet customers frequently.

Towards the end of my pregnancy, I was almost always bugging my Hubby to bring me out for shopping, a walk in the park or around the neighbourhood and watch movies (we just could not refrain ourselves from watching horror movies though).

And there, I have a happily smiling baby now.. He smiles at us and even at strangers whom he has never met before. I am glad he is happy and most importantly, healthy.

So, I guess, MIL was right once that a Cheerful Mummy makes a Happy Baby.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Post-Pregnancy Diet - First 1-2 months

1-2 months after Delivery...

I admit that I had been a little careful as not to eat too much so that I could slim down faster, since I had gained a total of 20kg since pre-pregnancy. However, Mum kept making so much for me that I felt bad if I did not finish my food.

I had chicken with ginger, pork with ginger, vege with ginger, fish with ginger.. in short, all the dishes were with ginger to help expel wind after delivery. The nurse and doctor did advise to take less ginger and so, my Mum had toned down on the volume of ginger used in my diet.

I especially liked the preserved vegetables and pork trotters in black vinegar as they felt so much more appetising than the rest and not as dry. Funny, I hated ginger but food without ginger tasted bland to me and that was also part of the reason I ate less during confinement.

Once, my Mum made me half boiled eggs at 9am, and then rice wine vermicelli at 11am and then... by 1pm, she prepared lunch for me, rice with fish! I had to finish them up.

During the Full Moon party, my Mum complained to my relatives that I ate alot during confinement! Goodness.. I was just finishing up the food she made for me, knowing that I would not have chance to be at home for a whole month until my next baby :p