Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cabbage - Can a breastfeeding Mummy take that?

Oh, goodness, I have been taking fried noodles with cabbage for lunch yesterday and cabbage soup the night before. I thought that was the end of the cabbage (*laugh*) but this afternoon, I had cabbage soup for lunch again.

I had to tell my mother-in-law that I could not take anymore cabbage as it may cause problems to our little boy. Cabbage is said to cause gassiness or flatulence in babies through breastmilk. She asked me if it might be due to the fact that cabbage is a 'cooling' food. Well, I really had no idea.

Found the below from

There is technically no foods that breastfeeding woman must avoid. However some foods can cause mild reaction such as spicy foods, cabbage, chocolate and foods high in C concentrate. It will depend on your own body and the sensitivity of your baby.

Foods such as cabbage, garlic, chilli & curry may cause your baby to experience discomfort with wind. Although there is no research to support this, centuries of mothers will agree that keep these foods to a minimum if you want a good nights sleep. Some strongly flavoured foods may change the taste of your milk, although babies enjoy a variety of breast milk flavours, if you baby suddenly becomes fussy at the breast after you eat particular foods (for example garlic) you be best to avoid or tone down that food while breastfeeding. However you baby's tolerance may improve as he/she gets older so you may be able to re-introduce that food.

It really depends on individuals as everyone's tolerance level is different. Nonetheless, I had been limiting my intake of cabbage, just to avoid from having my son to wake up howling at night due to the pain in his llittle tummy.  (*wink*).

Oh ya... so far, my son has not shown any signs of food allergies through breastmilk.. good for him.

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